The British kittens The British kittens The British kittens The British kittens The British kittens The British kittens The British kittens The British kittens The British kittens The British kittens The British kittens The British kittens The British kittens British Cat Lettie Teeve Joy
The Closed-Type Moscow monopedigree Cattery of the British Shorthairs cats.
It is registered in 1995 in IFL MPC IMAGE, reg. N 012/95
The genes of the best producers of Europe are placed as the basis of Cattery:  Bagoas ,  Argenta, Muspilli, Blauen Saphir, Diaspora, Deep Lake
Basis of Cattery - Lettie Teeve Joy, daughter for GR.INT.CH. Bagoas Pirandello from Holland.Ridolina - The first british cat with a full pedigry was Lettie Teeve Joy.This cat gave numerous posterity of high quality.
Cattery Ridolina is registered in Inter-regional public organisation Club of Fans of Cats of "Kurzhaar"
The British kittens
Safar, you my heart!
The British kittens
(the UNIFORM see
THE STATE REGISTER OF LEGAL BODIES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION), chairman - Solomatina Nina Nikolaevna, one of the most skilled both talented  factory owners of Russia! Its well-known British short-haired cat - Big International Champion Bagoas Pirandello, has been taken out from the best European cattery "Bagoas" (Holland), possessed magnificent pedigree qualities which has transferred the numerous descendants to territories of all postSoviet space. Many factory owners of the British breed of cats feel profound gratitude and respect for Nina Nikolaevna and its invaluable contribution to development of the British breed of cats in Russia!
British Cat GICh. Bagoas Pirandello
Copyright© 09.03.2006 2007 Ridolina    Web design: Tipikina Galina Sergeevna  ® 2007, Russia, Moscow tel. +7 495 3877549 mob. +7 985 2589172
Photo © Tipikina Galina Sergeevna Use of materials of a site probably only from the sanction of the owner and the direct reference to a site.

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